Sunday, June 9, 2013


Last fall Travis scored an elk head from his brother-in-law Mark West. As can be seen below, it was a real and disgusting piece of meat. Travis found a large pot to boil the head, which was supposed to strip the meat away from the bones. That didn't really happen. Also it was supposed to smell like stew while boiling. That also wasn't the case. Pregnant Emily was not happy.

Since the meat didn't come off the bone, Travis decided to bury it for the winter and spring, hoping it would decompose. Last month when we unburied it the decomposition was still in progress. Boy was that a foul smell. However, our dog loved it and kept digging it up to eat on it. Disgusting! After a long bleach bath it was more manageable and is now a lovely addition to our collection of cool stuff.

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